Simon Batusic

Simon Batusic (He/Him)

Tell us about yourself:

Hello, my name is Simon and in my third year of political science with a certificate in business at McMaster University. Being born and raised in Hamilton, I have felt a duty to give back to the community that has given so much to me. I felt that there was no better way to do that than to participate in CityLAB as we work on projects that help better life for the residents in Hamilton through a social and environmental approach. After university, I hope to land a job at the City of Hamilton as a councilor or paramedic. CityLAB SIR has given me the opportunity to work with the Hamilton Community Benefits Network (HCBN) to find solutions for low income housing and environmental concerns due to the proposed construction of the LRT line. I have now been able to identify the levels of bureaucracy, challenges, and impact that vital infrastructure has on residents of the city. I will continue to work with my team members to find positive solutions to these issues. Outside of school, I am an avid tennis player, sports enthusiast, and am proud of my Croatian heritage.