Lucas Holler

Lucas Holler, He/Him/His

Tell us about yourself:

I graduated high school in Germany after which I relocated to France to explore some post secondary options. Instead, I joined the Canadian Armed Forces. Upon release I enrolled in an undergrad program at McMaster and am graduating in 2023 with an HBA in Political Science with a minor in Globalization Studies.
I've lived and worked in many places around the world and speak 5 languages so it's rather fitting that I wish to pursue a career as a diplomat in the foreign service.
What I appreciate most about SIR is the interdisciplinary approach we take to the problems and issues we take on.

How is your project going so far?

This year we are focused on housing and this crisis that has been in the making for some years now. Our team is specifically focused on affordable rental. From identifying stakeholders, to understanding and navigating the policy space that governs housing, we realize just how complex housing is. There are no simple solutions and certainly none are one-size-fits-all. Even though our team is focused on a specific part of the housing continuum, it has become evident that the entire spectrum is intrinsically linked together, so collaboration and sharing of information is crucial to the success of the whole group, not just our team. At this stage, we've begun focusing on specific housing policies and will attempt to produce a clear and comprehensive portfolio on how we believe the housing crisis can be mitigated with focus on affordable rental.