Geil Astorga


CityLAB Semester in Residence is a one-of-a-kind-opportunity during my undergraduate career. The projects and assignments we work on teach lessons outside of the typical university setting. I am exploring Hamilton and conceptualizing changes for the betterment of the city instead of sitting inside a lecture hall. Most of our tasks are the best examples of how students can apply theory to practice. For example, as a Communications student, I am trained to understand the ideal platform to convey a message. In the course of our project work, I developed a communications strategy for the community to help them become resilient during weather emergencies. Another example is when I revamped the website of a community-based organization and ensured the resources are accessible to the lay audience. The projects also allowed me to work with an awesome group of interdisciplinary students. The experience broadened my perspective, improved my interpersonal skills and extended my professional network. In general, CityLAB is a great place for students to learn and have fun!