Anna Gorman


Anna is a third year Arts and Science student at McMaster University. Her passions include baking, art, and houseplants – she’d like you to know her pothos vine is flourishing. Anna’s interests also lie in human interaction, how we work, play, live, and behave in certain spaces, and how cities function. She is intellectually curious about climate change mitigation and adaptation. Her love for Hamilton is what brought her to CityLAB, and she is a strong believer that it is crucial for us to be involved and give back in our communities in any way that we can. Academically, she is looking to pursue an MSc in Planning and CityLAB is the perfect way for her to immerse herself in the field to see if it really is the right path for her. Her energy and passion are an asset to us here at CityLAB, and she always strives to make the world a better place. Her favourite place in Hamilton, and not-so-guilty pleasure, is Ola’s bakery… but can we blame her?